For questions and more information, contact
The ICF-CF chapter values the strategic partnerships we have with individual professionals and industry thought leaders.
If you have a specific niche skill that will add increased value to our chapter members, send us a note at and we will schedule a time to connect to explore our partnership opportunities.
We recently established successful partnerships with individuals and organizations who provide a unique set of skills or service offerings that add value to our members. Partnership opportunities may include: training and development, retreats, certification discounts, assessment tools and other value added resources.
We look forward to learning more about the potential partnership opportunities between our chapter and your services soon.
ICF-CF, committed to providing opportunities for coaches to inspire and change individuals and organizations, has created a strategic partnership with SHRM/Linkage. Linkage, acquired by SHRM (The Society of Human Resource Management) in 2023, is a global leadership development firm committed to advancing women and accelerating inclusion in leaders and organizations. Through our partnership, ICF-CF sources coaches for Linkage’s Annual Women in Leadership Institute (WIL) - a four-day learning experience designed to equip women leaders with actionable strategies to overcome hurdles women often face in the workplace. Participants attend presentations and breakout groups during the day; in the late afternoon attendees meet in small groups with expert facilitators to deconstruct the learnings and create individual actionable development plans.
The partnership between ICF-CF and SHRM/Linkage is designed to identify interested and qualified coaches with facilitation experience to facilitate these daily late afternoon small group debrief sessions. Interested ICF-CF coaches who are selected as Team Leads receive several benefits:
Full, complimentary admission to the 4 day Institute;
Access to the virtual conference for the remainder of the calendar year;
Access to a broad, national network of WIL Team Leads/coaches (50+);
Stipend payments based on Team Lead assignment (on-site and virtual).
Note: travel and accommodations are at the expense of the coach.
The 2024 Women in Leadership Institute will be held on November 11th-14th at Champions Gate in Orlando, Florida. Interested ICF-CF coach candidates :
Must have either their MCC, PCC or ACC credential (note: those with an ACC should have strong facilitation experience).
Plan on attending a zoom call with SHRM/Linkage on Monday, June 24 2 4:00 pm to learn more about the process and key milestones in the Team Lead selection process.
Reach out to the Strategic Partnerships Chair: Missy McNabb ( and alert her to your interest; she will send you the zoom link and/or the recording if you are not able to attend.
ICF-CF, committed to inspiring and changing lives personally and professionally, has formed a strategic alliance with The Honor Foundation (THF), a national program designed to assist selected U.S. Special Operations Forces with transitioning from their military service to their civilian career.
The program includes 10 campuses across the country including MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. Over 800 alumni have completed the 3-month program; the curriculum is targeted for this unique audience and includes: resume and LinkedIn profile classes, formal headshots, “what is your why” and storytelling, personal branding, mock interviews, and on-site visits to local companies to experience their organization and culture first-hand. Three cohort programs are initiated each year (Spring/Summer/Fall).
ICF-CF coaches play an important role in this 3-month program including:
Attending a Coach Orientation (via zoom) prior to the cohort kick-off;
Meeting weekly with their assigned Fellow (1-hour per week during the 3 month program);
Attending Mock Interview Night, with the option of attending additional on-site programming;
Making introductions from their own network to support their Fellow’s career goals.