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Call for Speakers

The application period for 2025 has been closed. We will reopen September 1, 2025 for 2026 Programming.


Chapter meetings generally occur on the 4th Friday of the month from 11:30 am – 2:00 pm. We rotate meeting venues across our region, typically meeting in Tampa or Orlando. Our meetings are a combination of general business and educational experiences; we provide continuing coach education credits (CCEUs) for members in attendance.

The audience usually includes 20-40 coaches with varying levels of experience. Lunch is served and members sit at tables of 6-10. Generally, members are finished with the meal during the program but may still be enjoying dessert and coffee. One hour is typically allotted for the presentation (1:00 – 2:00 pm) including Q&A.

Terms and Conditions:

Presenting at the ICF Central Florida Chapter is an opportunity to expand the knowledge and skills of our attendees, while giving back to the profession of coaching.

Presenting at the ICF Central Florida Chapter is not a sales or marketing opportunity for your company or yourself during your presentation. The ICF Central Florida Chapter does not pay presenters per diems, honorariums or expenses. However, you are invited to join us for lunch at no charge.

As an added benefit, a table will be made available at no charge for presenters to display their select publications, promotional items and business cards before and after the meeting. The speaker may use up to 2 minutes at the end of his or her presentation to invite attendees to view the material.

Speakers and their guests agree to indemnify ICF Central Florida, its officers and its members from any liability of any kind that may be incurred as a direct or indirect result of the speaker’s presentation.

Speakers consent to allow ICF Central Florida to photographs, video or audio record the speaker and his/her presentation, and to use the images or recordings for ICF Central Florida’s promotional, educational or informational purposes.

Current and past presenters and their topics can be viewed on the Calendar of Events page of our website: We look forward to receiving your speaker application and agreement.

ICF Central Florida

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